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Darley Dene Primary School

Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
28/06/24 We have had a brilliant, busy week in Eagles. On Wednesday, Sargent Cartledge visited us and the children had an inspirational Q & A session with him asking such thoughtful and meaningful questions about his career in logistics in the army. On Thursday, we were visited by Sophie - a journalist - who talked to the children about why she wanted to become a journalist and how she became one. In Maths, we have continued to learn about algebra and how to write an expression. In Science, we have continued our topic on electricity and investigated the impact of different components in a circuit. In Music, we have been learning our songs for our production and have spent the afternoons rehearsing our parts. Have a restful and relaxing weekend and see you on Monday.
21/06/24 We have had a fantastic, busy week in Eagles. On Tuesday, the GB sprinter - Aidan Syers visited us and the children had an inspirational Q & A session with him asking such thoughtful and meaningful questions. His main message was to follow what you like doing and find opportunities, and then they will come to you. Also, on Tuesday, we had a workshop delivered by the Money Charity whereby children were given top tips on how to be savvy with their money when they grow up. On Wednesday morning, Will Kerr visited us to talk about his career: fashion design. The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing about who he designs clothing and cars for - Lando Norris (a Formula One driver) - and how he came into this profession. On Wednesday afternoon, we were so excited to participate in Sports Day. Everyone showed fabulous sportsmanship, cheering on their houses. There were so many events and the children applied their skills that they had learnt in PE lessons last term. Thank you to all the families that were able to come and see their child. Have a restful and relaxing weekend and see you on Monday.
14/06/24 What a busy, brilliant week we have had! In writing, we have started our book Suffragettes: The Battle for Equality. The children loved looking at the illustrations and learning about the Suffrage movement. They had begun planning their fact files, having chosen one of the suffragists or suffragettes who caused impact in the movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In Maths, we have continued looking at nets of 3d shapes and learnt about function machines and their relationship with algebra. Within our Science lessons, we have been learning about the impact that voltage has on a bulb and how the current is measured. Today we have had our auditions for our production that we will be performing in July, and we are very excited to start learning our words. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
07/06/24 Welcome back everyone! In Eagles class this week, we have planned and written a balanced argument based on whether Cameron should proceed with the pig heart surgery or not, presenting our reasons for and against it taking place. The children have incorporated excellent formal language into their writing as well as a range of punctuation for effect. In Maths, we have created our own decimal numbers and solved calculations involving decimals multiplied and divided by whole numbers. In PSHE, we have discussed self-esteem and why it is important to have a positive image of ourselves. On Wednesday, the Explore Learning team came into school to lead a celebration assembly sharing tutors' comments on how the children performed over the year - a very proud moment. We have also started the SMART MOVES programme in preparing us for Secondary school. In Music, we have used the ukuleles to play the four basic chords to make a tune and follow along to songs. A busy week in Eagles class. Have a lovely weekend.
24/05/24 What a busy week we have had! On Monday, we enjoyed a visit from David Shepherd Foundation who specialise in conservation for endangered animals. They led an Art workshop whereby the children created silhouettes of these endangered species and learned many facts about them. In Writing, we have been studying how to build up tension and suspense in our work by using a range of techniques such as: using long and short sentences; starting our sentences with a verb or adverb; using dialogue to advance the action and so on. We then planned and rewrote a section of Pig Heart Boy when Cam is on his way to the research centre to meet Trudy - the pig - for the first time. In Maths, we have learned how to find the internal angles of polygons. Although challenging, the children showed great resilience on how to use the formula in working out the number of sides versus how many triangles made up the shapes to figure out how to find the internal angles! Impressive! In Science, we have begun our topic on Electricity and have enjoyed exploring equipment to make different types of circuits. The week ended with our Explorer of the Week trip to the book shop where we enjoyed choosing our own book then going into a cafe to drink hot chocolate while reading our new book! What an end to such a brilliant term! Happy half-term and I look forward to seeing you after the holiday.
17/05/24 What a week! The Eagles class have worked incredibly hard in their SATs this week. They have shown real commitment, resilience and determination in their efforts. The atmosphere during breakfast on Monday was electric and just seeing each other helped them calm their nerves. It has been a pleasure watching them focus and apply all the skills they have learnt across the year to complete their SATs to the best of their ability. We are so very proud of you all. We finished the week by having a brilliant time at Victory Park celebrating the end of those tests. Well done Year 6 - you are all awesome.
10/05/24 Eagles class have had a fantastic week revising and continuing their learning in preparation for their SATs next week. In Maths, we have learnt how to find the area and perimeter of different shapes. They have also found missing angles on triangles and all types of quadrilaterals. We have been incredibly impressed with their resilience on some of the extremely challenging questions. Surprisingly, they enjoyed being the teacher and marking my arithmetic paper which had many forced (and unforced) errors. I enjoyed receiving feedback and advice on how to work out some of my answers correctly next time! In PE, we learnt the skill of how to pass the baton when completing track running in preparation for Sports Day. Today was our first day of SATs breakfast. You could feel the excitement at the door. The children worked so hard. It is important that they sleep well, eat well and exercise or take a walk in order to help prepare them to feel somewhat relaxed for next week so that they can do their best. We are already so proud of how hard they have worked. Have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing the children on Monday at 8am, for breakfast.
03/05/24 Eagles have had another busy week revising for their upcoming SATs. They have been completing revision on rounding and word problems on measurement and many children are also studying at home. We have been incredibly impressed with their commitment and effort to learn more - taking responsibility for themselves and their learning. In Maths, we have been multiplying and dividing using decimals and solving word problems associated. In PE, we have been learning how to perform the heave throw with skill and technique in order to prepare for sports day. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Tuesday.
26/04/24 In Eagles this week, we have had a very busy week. In writing we have been listing the fors and against Cameron going through with the heart transplant. We performed a conscience alley and then began planning our balanced arguments to present both views. In our grammar lessons we have learned the difference between the simple past tense, the past progressive and the past perfect and how to use those in our writing. In Maths, we have reviewed how to measure angles accurately, then learned how to calculate missing angles in a right angle, on a straight line and within a complete turn. We have also been revising how to interpret intervals online graphs and read the data presented. In PE, we have been learning how to perform the triple jump in athletics and work on our starting positions for sprinting. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
19/04/24 Welcome back everyone. In Eagles this week, we completed another mock SATs week. The children have worked incredibly hard on applying their skills to show all the knowledge they have learnt. In Maths, we have learnt how to find the mean of a set of data and working on how to find percentages of amounts. In DT, we enjoyed sampling a range of soups and were surprised to discover that shop bought soups have many other ingredients in them to flavour them. We have designed and made our own seasonal soups to complete last term’s topics. We learned how to be safe when using the equipment to cut, slice, peel and chop. We have also learned which herbs and flavours help make soup tasty. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday.
28/03/24 What a busy, brilliant week we have had even though it’s a shorter one. The week started with a real life author - Andrew Weale - visiting. He inspired us to write a story by simply looking at what is around us and using our imagination to develop an idea. In Maths, we solved word problems involving ratio and began our new topic on decimals. We also enjoyed learning through TagTiv8 by finding factors and prime numbers consolidating our knowledge whilst having fun. Within our Science lessons, we have surveyed the class to investigate what our favourite sport is and how this relates to our physical health and well being. In PSHE, we have discussed what it means to be emotionally and mentally well by using the metaphor of a well. We discussed ways to keep our well full and what happens when cracks start to appear - what can we do to fill in the cracks? On Wednesday morning, we had a quick trip to the library and during the afternoon Trevor from St Paul’s visited us to talk about our topic in RE - what Christians believe about the Messiah. All in all a great end to the term. Have a lovely break and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April.
22/03/24 Another brilliant week for Eagles! We are so proud of their hard work and commitment to their mock sats this week. They have been applying their skills to all areas of their learning and show their workings where needed in Maths. In Writing this week, we have been writing our diaries as Cam, from Pig heart Boy, focusing on up-levelling our language. In Science, we have been learning how exercise, diet and drugs impact our healthy lifestyle. This has linked brilliantly to our PSHE topic on Healthy Choices. Furthermore, Surrey Heartlands visited us on Wednesday to perform a play all about the NHS and the services they provide. This was performed in a fun-filled, humorous way that kept us all entertained and captivated for a whole hour! In Geography, we have been learning which countries export to and import from the UK. The children were surprised to discover that the UK imports and exports both computers and gas/fuel. In Music, the children enjoyed using the xylophones to follow along to a beat. In French, we continued our learning on how to go to places using different types of transport. All in all a very busy week! Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday
15/03/24 What another busy week in Eagles class. In our Writing lessons, we have been planning and drafting our diaries, this time in the role of Cameron from our text, Pig Heart Boy, to demonstrate the shocking news Cameron has just discovered from his parents. During Maths this week, we have been learning to understand and use ratios within Maths problems. We have also learned how to use scale factors to enlarge and reduce shapes. In Geography, we have discussed what it means to trade as well as what goods and services the UK imports and exports, discussing possible reasons why. As it’s British Science week this week, not only have we created impressive posters to promote the theme of ‘Time’, we have also been investigating how to produce plastic then we have debated how plastic could be reduced, reused or recycled to help protect our environment. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
08/03/24 What a lovely week Eagles have had! This week, we have delved into books and enjoyed all the fantastic activities. Within our writing lessons, we have explored books by the author Oliver Jeffers and planned and written our own story based on the theme of his story ‘Lost and Found’. I am so proud of all of the children's creations and I know how hard each and every pupil has worked to produce these. World Book Day was fun yesterday whereby we all took turns sharing a favourite book or who we had come dressed as. In Maths we completed the topic measurement focusing converting the imperial measurements to metric measurements. In PE, we were particularly excited this week, as our coach introduced more apparatus to help build strength. We look forward to seeing you next week for our class assembly. Have a lovely weekend.
01/03/24 What a busy, brilliant week we have had! In writing, we have been writing our diary entries as Tom and uplevelling our vocabulary whilst editing spelling and punctuation. Great writing Eagles. We have also started our new text ‘Pig Heart Boy’ that captivated the children’s attention immediately.. In Maths, although we have found the learning challenging this week, Eagles class have shown great resilience on converting measurements in mass, length and capacity whilst solving word problems. Within our Science lessons, we have been explaining the functions of blood and blood vessels and why they are a vital part of the circulatory system. Additionally, we have represented what blood actually looks like and what each item represents. In Geography, we have begin our new topic - Trade and Economics - deriving key questions on what we would like to know. We were particularly excited in PE this week, as our coach taught us how to use the apparatus safely and build strength.. We look forward to seeing you next week for our class assembly. Have a lovely weekend.
23/02/24 What a fantastic week back from the half term break. We have started reading our new book 'Treason' in which the main character - William - is on a journey for justice for his father, who has committed treason in King Henry VIII's court. The children participated in an immersive book discussion where they shared their predictions, views on the front cover and their opinion of the book so far. There was some phenomenal links made with history and the musical Six which is based on Henry VIII 6 wives. In maths we have started our new topic on decimals and the children have been learning how to work out decimas up to 2 decimal places. They also linked their learning to their last topic in fractions and realised that decimals can be equivalent to fractions. In history, the children explored the Tudor timeline and the succession of the throne in the 16th Century. I was so impressed with how well the children learnt to play both A and B notes with the recorder in music. I hope you have a restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week. Next week, we will be learning about how the Roman Empire first started!
09/02/24 Another brilliant week in Eagles class. On Monday it was 'No pens day' in order to mark the start of Children’s Mental Health Week. We enjoyed making clips on how to be a good influencer online. On Tuesday, we took part in Internet Safety Day reflecting on how to be safe online. In Maths, we have learned how to divide fractions by integers and how to find fractions of amounts In English, we have planned and drafted our non chronological reports on Anderson Shelters. The children enjoyed learning about them and using our computing skills to talk in teams online when researching collaboratively. In Science, we have learned why shadows matter and have investigated how shadows change size. Well done for everything you have achieved this term. Have a lovely break and see you all soon.
02/02/24 Another brilliant week for Eagles! We are so proud of their hard work and commitment to their mock sats this week. They have been applying their skills to all areas of their learning. This week, we thoroughly enjoyed planning our Enterprise project that was decided democratically. The children enjoyed popping corn and designing posters and our table in order to sell our products after school. Some children took this a step further and created loom band bracelets which made us more money indeed. Well done to Eagles for selling their product after school and then working out the profit raised for NSPCC. Today we enjoyed participating in activities to celebrate number day. All in all a very busy week! Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday
26/01/24 Well done Eagles for a fantastic week of learning! In writing, we have been writing our monologues and have been incorporating relative clauses into our writing. In Maths, we have been solving fraction word problems and have learnt how to multiply fractions by fractions. In Science, we have investigated the effects of refraction and completed our investigations showing how light changes direction when travelling through another material. In History, we have explored the purpose of an Anderson Shelter and how it was used during WW2. In French, we have learnt phrases for things we do in our daily routine. We had a brilliant end to the week by performing in our class assembly, presenting our learning so far in Year 6 to our families and the rest of key stage 2. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
19/01/24 What a busy week we have had! In writing, we have been planning and beginning to write a monologue in the character of Tom. We have discussed how the author engages the reader and draws them into the story. In Maths, we have learnt how to add and subtract fractions that have mixed numbers - whole numbers and a fraction. We have also been solving real life problems involving these concepts. In Science, we have investigated how we see light and how it reflects. We have made periscopes which proved a challenge but managed to make them in the end! In History, we have explored the reasons why World War II began and used our skills in computing to collate our research collaboratively online. In PE, we used our coordination to practise certain skills that we can use in netball. We look forward to seeing you next week for our class assembly. Have a lovely weekend.
12/01/24 In Eagles this week, we have been making inferences about William and Tom in ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ in preparation for writing our diary entries. We have also discussed the style of the author and how she has engaged the reader in the first chapter. In Maths, we have learned how to compare, order, add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. We have also been solving real life problems involving these concepts. In Science, we have discussed what we already know about ‘Light and Shadow’ - our topic this term and begun investigating how light travels. Today we enjoyed participating in our workshop led by Chertsey Museum: looking at artefacts from World War II and discovering what life was like during that time. In PE, we took part in gymnastics with the Sports Coach and started our topic on Netball, reviewing how to do a chest and shoulder pass. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
05/01/24 Welcome back everyone. Eagles have had a great start to 2024. They have been exploring Tinkercad in Computing, building 3D models and modifying 3D shapes by resizing ad rotating them. They have even built their own 3D badges. In RE, we have looked at the Trinity and how it is three and yet one. In English, we have been introduced to our new text, making predictions on what it could be about. In Maths, we reviewed long division and discussed the importance of recalling our timetables rapidly. We look forward to beginning our new topic next week in History and Science. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
15/12/23 In Eagles class this week, we have been planning and drafting our poems using a range of figurative language, such as similes, metaphors and alliteration. We have based them on the moment Jim - from Street Child - escapes the workhouse. In Maths, we have been learning how to find equivalent fractions on a number line. In History we have completed our fact files on Queen Victoria and discovered some of the inventions during the Industrial Revolution. On Thursday, we enjoyed a visit from a local police officer who talked to us about racism, homophobia and how to make good decisions when being online. Lastly, we have thoroughly enjoyed performing our concert to KS1 and was delighted to participate in the KS2 Christmas Concert at St Paul’s Church. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday for our last FULL day.
08/12/23 In Eagles class this week, we have been focusing on Jim’s emotions and the buildup of tension in this part of the story. We have read poems and discussed why we read poetry and what types of poems there are. We have collected effective language to plan our own poems using a variety of technical devices, such as alliteration, onomatopoeia and so on to create visualisation. In PSHE, we have discussed what it means to be a bully or to be bullied and how to support those who need help. In Science, we have created a fact file on Charles Darwin and presented what impact he had on the life that we lead today. In PE, we recorded our dance performance. Heather - the dance teacher - was incredibly impressed by how the children’s confidence has grown over the last six weeks. In History, we have learned about the industrial revolution and how this period changed Britain. Another busy week! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
01/12/23 In Eagles class this week, we completed our letters as Jim from Street Child, thinking about the language and style of writing that he would use. We had a brilliant session on how to edit with our peers and the children provided valuable feedback for each other which helped them edit and improve their writing. In Maths, we have been solving word problems using multiplication and division and started unit fractions - finding equivalents. In PSHE, we have discussed where the power comes from when there are disagreements and how to support those who are struggling with friendships. In Science, we have reviewed our knowledge of fossilisation and learnt about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. In PE, we have brought together all of our elements of dance and completed our routine. In History, we have researched some of the main events during the Victorian era and what impact this had on England. Another busy week! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
10/11/23 Well done Eagles class for such a super week. In Writing, we have been working incredibly hard on planning and writing our diary entries as Jim in 'The Street Child'. We spent the first part of the week 'hotseating', taking on the role of Jim, imagining how he was feeling and what he was thinking. In Maths, we learned a range of strategies to solve multiplication problems such as: double and having the factors; finding factor pairs of a two-digit number and when timesing by 5 - multiply by 10 first then, half the answer. Ask your children to show you these methods. In Science, we have started our new topic on Evolution and Inheritance and discussed what we already know and what we want to find out. In History, we have reviewed what we learned in our workshop last week and look at the timeline of the Victorian period. Lastly in PSHE, we have discussed what it means to be part of a community and how we show respect for all types of communities - a busy week. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
03/11/23 Welcome back everyone. Eagles have enjoyed making predicting and making inferences on our new text in English 'Street Child'. In Maths, we have learned about how to find prime numbers using the rules of divisibility and how to find squared and cubed numbers. We have been really impressed by the children's perseverance in learning the divisibility rules. In Science we have been learning about microorganisms and which ones are helpful and which ones are harmful. In PSHE, we have discussed what it means to be prejudged and show discrimination and why this is not 'normal'. Today, we thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Chertsey Museum who introduced the topic of the Victorians, which will be our History topic this term. The children investigated artefacts and drew conclusions about how life changed during this time. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
20/10/23 What a great end to the term. We have enjoyed completing our leaflets about Bristol in our Writing lessons and sharing them today to the Year 5 children. Hopefully, we have persuaded them to want to visit Bristol next year. In Maths, we have learnt how to find multiples of numbers and the divisibility rules for 2, 4, 3, 6 and 9 and many more! In Science, we have created mind maps on the different groups of animals and in computing we have been learning about how we communicate online and what the transfer of data means. Thank you for attending family conferences. It was lovely to meet so many of you. Have a lovely week off and see you on Tuesday 31st October.
13/10/23 We have had a busy week in Eagles class. We have enjoyed planning our leaflets about Bristol in our Writing lessons. In Maths, we have worked extremely hard on battling the other trust school in Times Table Rock Stars managing to stay in the top 4 of 11 classes. We have also continued our learning on factors and explored how to find a common factor. In Science, we have learnt about Carl Linneaus who devised a classification system for both plants and animals. We have sorted invertebrates and vertebrates, narrowing down the different groups within those types of animals. We reviewed our trip to Bristol Aquarium and discussed the classification of some of the animals that we saw. Have a lovely weekend Eagles. See you on Monday.
06/10/23 Eagles class has had a brilliant week in Bristol. They have learned so much enjoying all sights and experiences. A massive highlight was enjoying a meal at Za Za Bazaar. They behaved exquisitely, many children trying new foods and enjoying meals from around the world. We’ve walked miles and miles all the way up to and across the magnificent Clifton Suspension Bridge. We spent time hearing about Bristol sea life and the history of the SS Great Britain, culminating in a ferry boat ride brining together all the places we have visited this week.  Well done Eagles. We are so proud of you. Don’t forget to see some of the photos on our Darley Dene Facebook. Have a restful weekend. You deserve it. See you on Monday. 
29/09/23 What a busy week we have had in Eagles class. In Maths, we have learned how to find the difference with negative and positive numbers. We have also begun our new topic of addition and subtraction developing our mental strategies. In Writing, we have written our newspaper articles and been real writers editing and improving our work. We have enjoyed celebrating reading them to each other. In Geography, we have looked at the UK, located Bristol and researched physical and human features of the city. In PSHE, we have compared the rights of children in Ghana compared to the universal rights we have here in the UK. We are very much looking forward to our trip to Bristol next week so have been studying more about the artist - Banksy and his stenciling techniques he uses. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
22/09/23 Eagles have had another brilliant week. They have worked hard on learning new concepts in Maths such as working out the difference between the start and end points on a number line and then finding the intervals and comparing and ordering integers. In Writing, we have enjoyed creating scenes from the Last Will in order to prepare for writing a newspaper article. We have begun our plans for writing our own newspaper article, In Science, we have been classifying animals and discussed why and how the classification process began. In French, we have been learning phrases to describe clothing. I look forward to seeing you all next week for the Open Event. Have a lovely weekend.
15/09/23 What a busy week we have had in Eagles class. In Maths, we have continued our topic of place value - figuring out how to use a Gattegno chart to multiply and divide by powers of 10. In Writing, we have been developing our language and building descriptions of the main characters in our class text, 'The Last Wild', forming impressions based on our reading. In PSHE, we reflected on fears and worries we may have and how it is good to share them. We began our topic in Science - Living Things and their Habitats - sharing knowledge learned in Year 3. In music, we listened to Trip Hop music that was a big influence in Bristol in the 1990s. The children enjoyed listening to examples of music, thinking about the tempo, pitch and what instruments that could be heard. A busy week! Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
08/09/23 Welcome back everyone! Eagles have had a brilliant week settling into new routines and their learning. In English, we have enjoyed making predictions about our new text - The Last Wild, analysing the opening of the story explaining what we like, don't like and what questions we have. In Maths, we have been focusing on place value read, writing and understanding numbers to 10,000,000. Next week, we will be focusing multiplying and dividing by powers of 10,100 and 1,000 and in English, we will be focusing on developing our language when describing settings and characters. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
Darley Dene Primary School