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Darley Dene Primary School

Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
14/2/25 What a busy week! Year 6 have enjoyed participating in Children's Mental Health Week. On Tuesday, in order to recognise Safer Internet Day, we read the adapted story of a social media Goldilocks and the Three Bears and then created our own short stories based on the theme of ‘Think before you post’. In Maths, we have been reviewing metric measures in length, mass and capacity and started to convert between them. I was very impressed with the problem solving when applying their Maths. In Writing, the children finished planning their non chronological reports on Anderson Shelters and have begun to write them using presentational features. In Science, we discussed why shadows are important and made a shadow puppet in order to investigate what affects the size of a shadow. Have a lovely half term break. See you on Monday 24th February.
7/2/25 In Year 6 this week, we have been researching and planning our non chronological reports on Anderson Shelters. We have reviewed the features of a non chronological report and how to engage the reader to want to read the writing. As it has been Maths week, the children have enjoyed participating in all types of Maths games such as Bingo and Nerdle. I was very impressed on Wednesday when many children from Year 6 led TagTiv8 for the whole school. They were excellent leaders, encouraging the children in younger years to have fun. In Science, the children have learned that light bends in water, also known as ‘refraction’. In History, they have learned about the Blitz and what impact this had on WWII. A very busy week indeed. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
31/01/25 Another brilliant week for Year 6! We are so proud of their hard work and commitment to their mock sats this week. They have been applying their skills to all areas of their learning. In Writing, we started writing our letters to Mrs Beech - William’s mother from Goodnight Mister Tom. In Maths, we have learned how to find a fraction of a whole. We have enjoyed playing a netball game in PE and making a periscope in Science to help us understand how reflection works. In History, we have learned about the main causes of World War 2 and which countries were involved. We are looking forward to Maths Week next week and dressing up as a rockstar on Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend.
24/01/25 Well done Year 6 for a fantastic week of learning! The week started brilliantly by the class performing to their families about everything they have learnt so far in Year 6. They spoke with confidence and clarity. In writing, we have been writing our monologues and have been incorporating relative clauses into them. We edited and improved our writing with a partner. In Maths, we have been solving fraction word problems and have learnt how to multiply fractions by whole numbers and fractions by fractions. In Science, we investigated how light reflects when shining it onto a mirror and what the angles of incidence and reflection are called. In French, we have learnt phrases for things we do in our daily routine. We finished the week enjoying a session with our book buddies. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
17/01/25 In Year 6 this week, we have been planning and drafting our monologues in the role of Tom from ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. In Maths, we have learnt how to add and subtract mixed numbers, converting them to improper fractions when needed. We have also been solving real life problems involving these concepts. In Science, we have discussed what we already know about ‘Light and Shadow’ - our topic this term and begun investigating how light travels. In DT, we have designed and created a Victorian Fairground using circuits. The children loved problem solving this project. In PE, we reviewed chest and shoulder passes and had a mini game of netball. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
10/01/25 What a great start to the new year! In Year 6 this week, we have been making inferences about William and Tom in our new text, ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’. We have also discussed the style of the author and how she has engaged the reader in the first chapter. In Maths, we have learnt how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Today we enjoyed participating in our workshop led by Chertsey Museum: looking at artefacts from World War II and discovering what life was like during that time. In PE, we took part in gymnastics and started our topic on Netball. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
20/12/24 Year 6 have had a wonderful week. We have enjoyed all of the Christmas activities as well as having planned our fairground ride that we will build next term. The concert on Thursday was so beautiful. We are so very proud of all your children . Their performance was heart-warming. Thank you to all the families that were able to attend. On Wednesday, Year 6 performed their dance chorography that they had been learning this term. Have an extraordinary holiday and we look forward to seeing you in 2025!
13/12/24 In Year 6 this week, we drafted our letters, as Jim, from Street Child, thinking about the language and style of writing that he would use. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering fractions and finding equivalents. In PSHE, we have discussed where the power comes from when there are disagreements and how to support those who are struggling with friendships. In Science, we have studied other theorists of evolution and researched who Charles Darwin was and how his research culminated in the theory of evolution. In History, we have completed our research on Queen Victoria and summarised why she was an important monarch. On Tuesday, we enjoyed watching the Pantomime - Jack and the Beanstalk - and on Wednesday had a rehearsal at St Paul’s ready for the KS2 Christmas concert next week. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
06/12/24 Another brilliant week for Year 6! We are so proud of their hard work and commitment to their mock SATs this week. They have been applying their skills to all areas of their learning and show their workings where needed in Maths. In Writing this week, we have been drafting and writing poems based on Winter. The children enjoyed celebrating this at the end of the week. In Science, we have been learning about adaptation and how the DNA of living things has mutated over time to cause changes that help them to survive. In Art, we have made our head accessories ready for our Christmas concert and been practising singing our songs in Music. All in all a very busy week! Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
29/11/24 What a brilliant week we have had in Year 6! In writing, we have planned and designed leaflets in order to persuade the Year 5 children to want to visit Bristol. I have been incredibly impressed with the catchy phrases and language the children have used in their writing. In Maths, we have concluded our learning on the four operations and will continue to revisit these. We have also started learning fractions. In History, we have studied Queen Victoria and what made her a great monarch and the impact she had on the UK and the rest of the world. In French, we started our topic on clothing and learned how to say what clothing we like. In PSHE, we talked about communities and their differences and how to accept each other, no matter where we are from or what traditions we celebrate, as that is what makes us unique. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
15/11/24 Year 6 has had such a busy week. Firstly, we have been recognising Anti-Bullying week and discussing and completing activities across the week to show and give respect. In writing, we have drafted and started writing our diaries as Jim from Street child - our story is set in Victorian times, developing our emotive language. In Maths, we have continued our learning of long division and used a range of strategies to solve division problems, such as using factor pairs. In computing, we used the online chat tools to collaboratively plan with our groups. The children had to create a presentation about Islamabad Kingdom Brunel without talking, only using online chat. The children did impressively well, in History we have created fact files on Isambard Kingdom Brunel which will tie in nicely with our visit to Bristol next week, which we are extremely excited about. On Wednesday, we went on the Junior Citizen trip and learnt how to be safe by railway; how to clean our teeth effectively and which drinks to avoid. We learnt some very surprising facts! Have a lovely week. See you on Monday.
08/11/24 What a great start to the second term. We have enjoyed starting our new text Street Child, by Berlie Doherty. We enjoyed learning about Jim Jarvis, the main character in the story. Some of us remembered that it is the same author as the text that the children read in Year 5 - Treason. In Maths, we have learnt how to long division with and without remainders and although challenging, we are becoming more and more confident. In Science, we have started our topic ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ and explored what characteristics we inherit from our biological parents. In PE, we reviewed hockey skills learnt from Year 5 and began our dance project with Heather, our dance coach. In History, we started our topic on the Victorians. The children shared what they had remembered from our workshop before half-term and asked questions about what they want to know about that time period. Have a lovely week. See you on Monday.
25/10/24 As the last week of the first term comes to an end, we reflect on how well this term has been. In writing, the children wrote, edited and improved their diaries, culminating in publishing their improved versions. In Maths, we reviewed some questions from our mocks and reviewed short division method. In Science, we monitored if any mould had grown on our bread experiment. We have also explored how microorganisms can be helpful and harmful. We had an Art day today studying perspectives whilst reviewing different pencil techniques such as hatching, cross-hatching etc. We looked at the artist Stephen Wiltshire and how he communicated through his drawings. On Thursday, we enjoyed an introduction to the Victorians by participating in a workshop run by the Chertsey Museum. The children were engaged and enjoyed exploring the artefacts and playing with some Victorian toys. Enjoy the holidays and see you after the break.
18/10/24 What another brilliant week in Year 6! In writing, we have planned our diary entries as Kester after escaping Spectrum Hall - and arriving in the Ring of Trees - to discover all the animals which he thought no longer existed. In Maths, we have continued to multiply 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers and started reviewing how to complete short division. We have also completed our mock Sats to prepare us for next year. I was really impressed by how hard the children worked. In Science, we learned about microorganisms and that they are everywhere. We also set up our experiment on what conditions are needed to grow mould? In Geography, we have looked at fair trade and what this means for us here in the UK and those countries that are part of that agreement. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
11/10/24 What a busy, brilliant week we have had! In writing, we celebrated completing our balanced arguments and enjoyed reading them aloud to the class. We have begun planning our diary entries as Kester who has just escaped from Spectrum Hall, incorporating different types of parenthesis: brackets, dashes and commas. In Maths, we have learnt how to find squared and cubed numbers as well as learning how to multiply 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. In Science, we have defined different groups of animals, whilst in Geography, we have explored the meaning of trading and what services and goods that the United Kingdom imports and exports to and from different parts of the world. In French, we have continued listening and speaking about our daily routine and what we have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In PE, we took on the challenge of participating in crab football. We were really impressed with the children’s resilience in what was quite a physically challenging activity. However, they showed great sportsmanship and strong tactical skills as a team. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
04/10/24 Well done Year 6 for a fantastic week of learning! In writing, we have been planning and writing our balanced arguments, presenting our reasons for and against Kester leaving Spectrum Hall. We have been working on developing a language and trying to include complex sentences in our writing. In Maths, we have learnt how to find common factors and multiples, as well as learning the divisibility rules. In Science, we have researched who Carl Linneaus was and why he was famous. We have also learnt about the classification system and how every living thing is grouped. In Geography, we have researched the human and physical features here in our local community as well as in Bristol. In PSHE we have thought about our goals for the year and what the possible obstacles could be and how to solve them. The children enjoyed music whereby they were discussing how music brings us together. We loved the author's visit on Tuesday - we remembered many facts from Mel’s visit 3 years ago. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
27/09/24 In Year 6 this week, we have been writing and publishing our newspaper reports. We have been incredibly impressed by the up-levelling of language and range of punctuation used in order to make their articles effective. In Maths, we have been learning and reviewing addition and subtraction methods and applying these to solve those problems. In Science we have continued to look at the classification process and all the different groups of animals there are. In French, we reviewed days of the week and practised listening and speaking in French. In Geography, we have used Digimaps, once again, to locate places in Addlestone and Bristol using a 6 grid reference. Thank you for joining us at the Open Afternoon. It was lovely to see so many happy children’s faces showing you their work. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
20/09/24 What another busy week in Year 6. In our writing lessons, we have been gathering vocabulary all about the virus and looking at what makes a good newspaper report. We have planned and begun writing our own newspaper article based on the increase of the outbreak from our text, the Last Wild. During Maths this week, we have been learning to read and understand points on a number line and order and round whole numbers. In Geography, we have learnt the difference between the United Kingdom versus Great Britain and what the capital cities of those countries are. We have also used DigiMaps online to locate counties in England, looking particularly for Bristol - the county we will visit in November. In French, we started our topic on ‘le weekend’ by discussing our daily routines. In Science, we have been classifying animals and creating our own system based on the Linnaean system. Have a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
13/09/24 What a great start to Year 6. It was lovely to see everyone back on Wednesday. We have been adapting to the new routines and working well in groups and independently. In English, we have been making predictions about new text by looking at a map of the different regions and interesting names of places. We have begun reading 'The Last Wild' explaining what we like or don't like about the opening and what questions arise from this unique story. In Maths, we have been reviewing place value and been resilient when completing a challenge! In Science, we have reviewed what Science means. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
06/09/24 What a great start to Year 6. It was lovely to see everyone back on Wednesday. We have been adapting to the new routines and working well in groups and independently. In English, we have been making predictions about on new text by looking at a map of the different regions and interesting names of places. We have begun reading 'The Last Wild' explaining what we like or don't like about the opening and what questions arise from this unique story. In Maths we have been reviewing place value and been resilient when completing a challenge! In Science, we have reviewed what Science means. Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.
Darley Dene Primary School