7/2/25 |
Year 5 have had a great Maths week, with a real focus on immersing ourselves into Maths manipulatives and approaching Maths problem-solving in new and creative ways. In Science, the class worked in teams to create organ maps of the body and have been researching our old age and development affects each of the organs. Thank you for the wonderful turn-out to the Class Assembly. The class were excited to have a chance to perform out loud to families. |
31/01/25 |
Year 5 has had an excellent week with a focus on formal and informal writing. I have been impressed with the level of planning and depth shown in their letters, both to the king and to their best friend. In gymnastics, we have been working together to create counter-balance. The level of teamwork displayed was inspirational. Great work Year 5! |
24/01/25 |
This week in Year 5 we have been finishing our module looking at Multiplication and Division. The class have worked hard this week perfecting their fluency using multiplication and division skills, and have been able to put these into good use tacking problems. In History, the class have been researching and comparing famous Viking and Anglo-Saxon figures. We learnt all about Alfred the Great and how he was able to take Britain back from the Vikings. |
17/01/25 |
Year 5 have had a positive week and had a fantastic time at Sky Academy on Friday. We have continued to learn about the refugee boy in our class text, and the children have been putting in a great amount of effort in maths. Keep up the excellent work and see you next week! |
10/01/25 |
Year 5 has had an excellent first week back. The level of conversation and engagement around new and challenging topics such as life as a refugee and religion have been fascinating and inspiring. The class have been hard at work writing diary entries from the perspective of a new boy in class (to match the new text that they are reading this term). In Maths, we have begun looking at Multiplication and Division. |
20/12/24 |
Year 5 have had a fantastic final week of their term. Highlights include: finishing our class text 'The London Eye Mystery' and finally finding out what happened to Salim; perorming our final dance routine for the Y3 class and their teacher; finishing our tricky unit on fractions; and showing off our fantastic leaflets to Year 6. Amazing work this term Year 5, have a safe and restful break! |
13/12/24 |
Year 5 have been working very hard this week on their leaflets celebrating London. I have been impressed with the creativity and skill that the class have put into their work. In Maths, we have been finishing our fractions unit by tackling the very difficult problem of breaking the whole. In PSHE, we have been celebrating differences between cultures and in R.E. we have been learning about the life of Jesus. |
06/12/24 |
Year 5 have been continuing their fantastic progress working on fractions, taking their learning to new levels as they tackle mixed numbers. In English, we have been collecting research on London to help create leaflets. This has required a sound knowledge of the difference between fact and opinion. Looking forward to even more hard work next week as we lead into Christmas! |
29/11/24 |
This week in Year 5 we have been focussing on fractions in our Maths lessons and subordinate clauses in our Writing lessons. Year 5 had particular fun making glue through a method of dissolving and filtering ingredients. This was sticky. fun learning! |
22/11/24 |
Year 5 have been working hard this week as they begin their new Maths module - fractions. I have been impressed with what the children know already and the confidence with which they recognise equivalent fractions. In P.E., the class completed a 2-hour dance lesson! The coordination, perseverance, and dexterity on display was fantastic. Fantastic week Year 5. Keep it up! |
15/11/24 |
Year 5 have been working hard this week on their writing as we build up to publishing a suspenseful story. In their stories, children are including expanded noun phrases, parenthesis, 'show-not-tell', and a range of sentence types. In Maths, we have been completing our unit in Multiplication and Division. I am looking forward to the children completing their assessments on this unit. |
08/11/24 |
A very successful first week back at school for Year 5. We have been delving further into multiplication and division in Maths; whilst in English we have begun our new text 'The London Eye Mystery'. In Art, we are getting creative with 'Pop Art'. We have made it our mission to cover our classroom walls with as much Pop Art as we can this term! |
25/10/24 |
Year 5 have worked exceptionally hard this week especially on our puppet show short stories that were delivered to the Year 1 children today. The creativity, design, planning, drafting, and storytelling on display has been a joy to watch. |
18/10/24 |
Year 5 have used a large part of their afternoons this week focusing on catching up on the History lessons that were missed from the planetarium visited and other wonderful other opportunities. Learning about Ancient Sumerian inventions and Gods and spotting patterns between other ancient civilisations. |
11/10/24 |
The focus this week in Year 5 has been on modal verbs in our writing. I've been so impressed with the writers in year 5 and their ability to change the meaning of verbs by using words like 'could', 'should', and 'will'. In Maths, we are coming to the end of our addition and subtraction unit. The class should be proud of the skills and knowledge they have built this week. The class particularly enjoyed the planetarium visit. |
04/10/24 |
This week has been full of hard work and fantastic learning! In writing, we have been creating wanted posters for the characters in our Power of Reading text and in Maths we have been building our fluency in addition and subtraction methods. We also had a special lesson this week looking at discriminative language and the negative impact this can have upon communities and peoples' lives. We spoke about British law and what the expectations are at school. |
27/09/24 |
Year 5 have worked hard this week developing the writing skills they have already learnt, including using expanded noun phrases. This time, in the form of creating postcards. In PSHE, we had a lesson on what it means to be a 'super friend'. What are the skills and tools that a super friend must have and what we can we do to take on this role? |
20/09/24 |
Year 5 have been very busy this week as we push to increase the pace of our learning. In writing, the class have been gathering vocabulary and then learning to use expanded noun phrases in order to be persuasive. In Maths, we have been practising partitioning large amounts and counting forwards and backwards in powers of 10. The class are continuing to enjoy their lessons exploring space (this week we went out onto the playground and became the solar system!) and I particularly enjoyed hearing about the class' job ambitions and salary ambitions for when they are older as part of our PSHE topic. Well done Year 5! |
13/09/24 |
An excellent start to the year continues for Year 5 as they delve into their new topics. The class have taken a particular interest in their space topic this term and have already produced an informative poster all about the sun and a fact file all about Copernicus. In English, the class have learnt even more about Liam and his adventures, being mistaken as an adult in our story 'Cosmic'. They have used this reading, as inspiration to write their own narratives - using relative clauses to add information. |
06/09/24 |
Year 5 has made a fantastic start to the new school year. We have practised different ways of working in the classroom, from being in silence to working in a more relaxed way, and also found time to begin our Maths unit on place value by looking at Roman Numerals. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know the class and feel very optimistic about the coming year. |