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Darley Dene Primary School

Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
12/07/24 It has been a great week of learning in Woodpeckers' class. This week the children have been learning about position and direction in Maths. They were able to recognise full turns, half turns and quarter turns and use the language clockwise and anti-clockwise correctly. In English this week, we have focused on editing; the children worked in pairs to identify errors in their writing and looked for opportunities to enhance their writing by adding detail and sophisticated word choices. In Geography this week the children plotted major cities on a map of the UK and identified areas of high and low population.
05/07/24 The effort, focus and behaviour in Woodpeckers class has been outstanding this week. The children have really engaged in their new class text about a cheeky cat who is extremely unpopular. They have written from different character's perspective about an eventful day and have practised rehearsing their sentences out loud before writing them. In our statistics lessons this week, the children were introduced to a pictogram and we able to draw and interpret them while using their 2,5 and 10 times table. Children identified the positives and negatives of living in a rural and urban area this week in geography. Well done to all of the children for a brilliant week of learning.
28/06/24 It's been an excellent week in Year 2. In DT the children have enjoyed creating colourful backgrounds that match their design brief for a mechanical picture. They have learnt about tally charts, block diagrams and tables this week in Maths and were able to work in teams to create their own question and collect data from the class. In English this week the children's writing was fantastic; they took on the role of a queen from our class text (The Egg Box Dragon) and wrote a diary entry about a dramatic day, where they lost their favourite diamond.
21/06/24 It has been a very busy but enjoyable week for Year 2. The children absolutely loved sports day and competed with excellent sportsmanship and determination. After the inspiring words and a special workshop from Olympic athlete Aiden Myers, the children improved their sprinting technique and learnt about the dedication required to become an athlete at the top level. In English this week, the children created characters and wrote a letter to The Egg Box Dragon to ask for his help to find a special item that they have lost. Through this writing the children were practising using emotive and persuasive language as well recognising the key features of a letter.
14/06/24 Woodpeckers have had a fantastic week! On Monday, the children had a special visitor who left footprints all over the classroom. He left magical story seeds for the children to plant and thanked them for all of their hard work reading and producing stories over the last 6 weeks. In Maths the children are becoming more confident telling the time and have moved on to reading the times 25 to, 20 to, 10 to and 5 to on an analogue clock. In Science this week the children have learnt about how and why animals need to adapt to survive in their habitat, and they were able to recognise some of the key adaptations animals have made in different habitats around the world.
07/06/24 Woodpeckers have had an action-packed start to their final term in Year 2. In English this week, the children really enjoyed making egg box dragons based on our new class text. They have started to produce instructions, using key imperative verbs, to help other children make their own egg box dragons. We have also had a visit to St George's this week where the children had so much fun exploring the forest school and taking part in a range of exciting sports activities. In Maths, we have started our new topic: time. Children have shown confidence reading o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times on an analogue clock.
24/05/24 It has been a fantastic final week of term in Woodpeckers class. This week, the children have created a diary from the perspective of a Victorian child visiting the seaside. They were able to identify the key similarities and differences between a seaside in the modern day and the seaside in the past. In Maths this week, the children were able to recognise 3/4 of shapes and find 3/4 of an amount. The children have also enjoyed music this week and have used their knowledge of pulse and rhythm to start composing their own music on the xylophone.
17/05/24 Woodpeckers class has had an exciting week and the children have worked exceptionally hard. We have received a special suitcase full of exciting drama activities from a mysterious lady named Cordelia. The children enjoyed creating their own characters for their stories and used their imaginations to act out different settings that their stories could take place in. In Science this week, the children were working scientifically to observe the changes during the different stages of the butterflies, ladybirds and clown fish's lifecycles. In Art, children have demonstrated their understanding of patterns and have used shape and colour in the style of Beatriz Milhazes to produce some excellent artwork.
10/05/24 This week Woodpeckers have started writing their own stories based on the character Noi from our class text. They have thoroughly enjoyed using Kung Fu punctuation to help them remember to use full stops, commas, capital letters and apostrophes in their writing. In Science, they have learnt about animals and their life cycles. The children were able to recognise the life cycles of humans, insects, birds and other mammals discussing the features of each animals at different stages of the cycle. In geography this week, the children have continued to explore the seaside and were able to identify typical physical and human features you would expect to see on a visit to the beach.
03/05/24 This week in Woodpeckers the children have been very excited because they received very special poems from the little man in response to their letters last week. In English, we have also been researching blue whales and the children have produced a non-chronological report from some of the facts they have learnt. In Maths this week we are continuing to learn about fractions. The children have focused on 1/2 and 1/4 and have used lots of resources to find fractions of amounts. We had an excellent workshop on Monday! The children were able to travel back in time to a Victorian day at the seaside. They were able to take part in some classic games (such as the ring toss), wear Victorian outfits, create/watch a Punch and Judy show and create artwork out of seashells. Overall it's been a great week!
26/04/24 This week in Woodpeckers, the children received a strange video from a mysterious lady called Cordelia who informed them about a magical little man (called Walter Welliboot) who loves listening to stories. The children are on a mission to produce the best stories possible to help Walter grow his story seeds once again. In Maths this week the children have started learning about fractions. They have recognised what equal and unequal parts looks like and have represented a half using many different resources and drawings. In Science this week the children have learnt about consumers and producers and have researched animals of their choice to produce an accurate food chain.
19/04/24 It was lovely to see the Woodpeckers class back together again! It has been a week full of green choices and great learning. In English, we have started our new book: The Storm Whale. The children have written a poem based on a treacherous storm that took place in the story. They have used a range of adjectives to make their poem more exciting with a particular focus on the -ing suffix. In Maths, the children have continued their measurement learning. This week they have measured capacity and volume using litres and millilitres and showed great perseverance when tackling tricky problems questions using the four operations. In Art the children learnt new techniques (stippling, hatching, cross-hatching and scribbling) for creating patterns and applied this to a sketch based on our class theme: the seaside. Have a well-deserved rest after an excellent first week back!
22/03/24 The children have shown excellent focus on learning this week. In Science, the children were able to recognise the key food groups needed for a balanced diet. For English, they have started writing persuasive letters to Funni to try to convince her to share, or not to share her secret garden with the rest of the community. The letters are fantastic so far and they have incorporated a range of persuasive features, words with the-ful suffix and conjunctions. In Maths this week the children have continued to learn about measure, but are now focused on grams and have started comparing the mass of different objects.
15/03/24 We have had a lot of fun in Woodpeckers class this week. In DT, we continued our learning on healthy eating and discussed the role of fruits and vegetables in our diet. The children selected a combination of 3 fruits for their smoothie and designed the packaging to make their product stand out. We also celebrated Science week and took part in an investigation related to time and a healthy lifestyle. The children recorded their heart rates when participating in various forms of exercise. In Maths this week, we have started learning about measure. The children were measuring a range of objects in cm with their rulers and also compared items that were larger and smaller than 1m. It has been a great week full of interesting learning!
08/03/24 What a crazy and thoroughly enjoyable week in Year 2. We are really proud of the children for putting on a great performance for their class assembly. All the children sung beautifully and read out their lines with confidence. We have also enjoyed Book Week; this week the children have produced their own story books based on morals from our class text 'The Way Home For Wolf', shared books from their favourite authors and taken part in a range of other fun book week activities.
01/03/024 The Year 2 children have had an action packed week. In DT, the children taste tested a range of fruits and selected their favourites to incorporate in their smoothies. In English we have been learning about similes and they have started writing excellent setting descriptions from our book: The Secret Garden. The children showed confidence in their Maths learning this week. We have focused on doubling/halving and odd/even numbers. For the school art competition, Year 2 were given the task of drawing wildlife from Australia. The children identified Australia on the map, listed some of the animals that live there and have produced some wonderful artwork.
23/02/24 It's been a great week of learning in Year 2! The children have been very welcoming to their new teacher and the new students. In Maths this week, we have been learning to divide using grouping and sharing, and we have worked on rapid recall of the two times table. In English, the children have researched all about litter and the problems it can cause. They are creating posters that use imperative verbs to advise the public on how we can make our community a better place.
09/02/24 What a busy week this has been, Mental health week and internet safty day have both been great successes in the Woodpeckers classroom. For internet safty day we talked about the importance of feeling safe online, and created our own films on the i pads to help teach others what to do if something doesn't feel right (talk to an adult right away). For Mental health week we shared our precious items and created art to show our own personal creativity. After our amazing trip to London last week we put all that learning into writing, creatiing leaflets promoting the city. Have a lovely half term break everyone, be ready to come back and start our Spring 2 topic "Helping Our World."
02/02/24 This week in Woodpeckers has been busy! Students have spent time learning how to log on to different programs in computing, and drawing pictures that represent music to them using drawing tools. We spent time recreating pictures of the Great Fire of London with collage in Art and had a blast making our Tic Tac Toe games for Maths Enterprise week. Maths has seen us learn more about sharing and grouping using the multiplication and division signs. We also wrote some fabulous recounts of our trip to St Pauls Cathedral. Have a great weekend!
26/01/24 Wow! What a week in Woodpeckers! We had our first big class trip to London to visit St Paul's Cathedral. We learnt all about the Great Fire of London and even got to re-enact many different parts of it. After lunch we walked up 376 steps to the first floor to look out over the city of London. It was tiring on many little legs but the views were worth it. The children were fabulous and had a great day. This week has also seen us begin our maths unit on Multiplication and Division. Learning to share groups equally and what the signs mean.
19/01/24 This week we have continued to look at the book 'Amazing' and the children have made sentences using the pictures from the story. Our 'dragon' small world area has proved particularly popular! In Maths, we have been learning about the number '4' and doing lots of fun, practical activities linked to the number '4'. Owls really enjoyed our visit from 'Freshwater Theatre' company, helping to bring different stories alive.
12/01/24 Snow! Woodpeckers and I were very excited to see the snow falling this week, even if it was for a short period of time. This week has seen Miss McVeigh return to help with PE across the school. Year 2 will have her join us on Monday and Friday. Monday's we will be doing gymnastics in the hall. If parents of the girls could please remember to send them with shorts under dresses and preferably without tights (or with spare socks in bag) that would be very helpful. We have started our new text this half term about Claude in the City as we begin to discover London. It will coincide with our learning about the Great Fire of London in the coming weeks and our trip to St Paul's Cathedral. This week has also seen us begin our maths unit on Money. If possible it would be great to really talk about, count with and examine our notes and coins with your child at home.
05/01/24 It was great to see the Woodpeckers excited to be back after Christmas break! So many stories to share about the time they had to spend with their families and loved ones. It will be a quick but busy term so please stay up to date with the newsletters and notices coming home. There have been a couple of changes you will have noticed on the newsletter about PE kits. Woodpeckers will now be coming to school in PE uniform on a Friday. They will stay in it all day, so please ensure it is weather appropriate. They will still have PE on a Monday but will not be in their PE uniform for this session. Please see Ms Calderwood or one of the class TA's if you need further clarification.
15/12/23 This week has flown by for the Woodpeckers. We have been busy looking at 2D and 3D shapes in maths and reading lots of Christmas books. The students loved the Pantomime of Red Riding Hood, I'm sure you heard all about it! Our Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner was lovely. The students were very excited to crack their Christmas crackers at the tables and sit with the teachers. Our afternoons are now filled with fun activities developing fine motor skills through craft and art. We look forward to our countdown in the afternoons and watching how many sleeps till Christmas Eve and how many days till Christmas break!
08/12/23 What a great performance by all the Year 2's in our Nativity. They did such a good job with their lines, acting and singing. I was super proud of each and every one of them. All their hard work certainly paid off. In our rooms the students have now completed their Traction Man comic strips which look amazing. keep an eye out on Facebook to see the end results. In math we have been continuing with Addition and subtraction looking at efficient strategies. There are many exciting events coming up in the next week as we get ready for Christmas.
01/12/23 What a busy week in Woodpeckers! Our Nativity practice is coming along nicely and the children can't wait to show you. With costumes to try and lines to learn, the children are getting very excited. In our learning we have been writing a comic about a Traction Man adventure which we will share shortly. In maths we have been doing double digit subtraction using manipulatives and finding the missing parts in subtraction stories. Great work this week Woodpeckers and welcome to wonderful winter!
24/11/23 Woodpeckers have been working hard this week, role playing out a Traction Man adventure! This has been lots of fun. Now they are learning how to write their adventure as a comic strip. Our practise is coming along nicely for our Nativity play with all students rehearsing their lines and now performing them together. There are exciting times ahead.
17/11/23 A great week in Woodpeckers! This week children have been digging deep into grammar, looking at verbs and adverbs, as well as extended noun phrases. We have created some fabulous phrases around Traction Man and the characters within the book. In maths, we have had a big focus on addition and subtraction of tens. Our practice for the Nativity is coming along so keep practising at home as well Woodpeckers.
10/11/23 WOW! Superhero Day was fabulous and kicked off a great week of learning for the Woodpeckers. We have been building our subtraction strategies in math, and have been learning about the world's oceans in Geography. We also had a Diwali/Bollywood performance on Monday afternoon that the student's thoroughly enjoyed.
03/11/23 Woodpeckers had an exciting start to the week talking about Halloween. We are continuing with addition and subtraction. Students are excited about our special Superheroes Day on Monday!
20/10/23 Woodpeckers have been extending their knowledge of addition and subtraction strategies this week. We have also finished reading our story 'Pattan's Pumpkin' and exploring the themes of flood and regeneration. Hope all the Woodpeckers have a wonderful mid term break!
13/10/23 This week in Woodpeckers we have been looking closely at our traditional Indian Tale of 'Pattan's Pumpkin.' The students have been learning about forming their own ideas based on part of the story. We have also started our unit on Addition and Subtraction.
06/10/23 Another busy week in Year 2! We have been learning how to be a respectful community member in PsHe and making a Good Friend Potion with all the ingredients we would want in a Good Friend. Let's be the best community class we can be :)
29/09/23 It was lovely to see many parents take the opportunity to visit Woodpeckers this week and see what we have been up to. The students are building their knowledge of numberlines in math and have been writing information reports and sentences with comma's to create lists. Ask them all about it at home.
22/09/23 This week Woodpeckers continued to build on our place value by exploring partitioning of 2 digit numbers. Firstly by 10's and 1's and then random partitioning. Please ask them to show you what this looks like as they did a fabulous job. We have also continued learning about foxes to create an information report about them. The students are loving the assembly songs and have been practising these as part of our end of day pack up. Keep up the great work Woodpeckers.
15/09/23 A lovely week was had in Year 2. We have been learning about place value in maths and counting by 10's. We have even been learning more adjectives to describe stars and putting these in sentences to create a poem/ode. Great work Year 2!
08/09/23 Woodpeckers have had a great start to the year. We have been getting to know each other and what makes us unique. We have also spent time on building Resilience through Persistence and learning that mistakes are what helps us learn.
Darley Dene Primary School