Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary
Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.
Week ending | What we have been learning about |
14/2/25 | It has been a brilliant end to the half term for Year 2. On Tuesday, we ventured into London for our trip to St Paul’s, where the children developed their learning around their History topic ‘The Great Fire of London’ Within our writing lessons, we have written recounts of our trip and developed our use of time connectives to add more detail to our writing. After half term, we will be delving into new exciting topics such as learning about who Florence Nightingale is. I hope you all have a lovely half term. |
7/2/25 | It’s been a fantastic, busy week in Year 2. This week the children have loved Maths week and taking part in different activities. On Wednesday, we participated in a fantastic TagTiv8 session, which was led by our Year 6 children. All the Year 2 children worked together to organise the numbers in order and then into odd/even. In our writing lessons, we have been building on our learning of conjunctions and applying this to our non-chronological reports on ‘The Great Fire of London’. It was lovely to see how much knowledge the children had gained this half term. On Tuesday, we have our trip to St. Paul’s Cathedral; please ensure to read over the letter previously and ask any questions you’re unsure of. |
31/01/25 | This week in Year 2, we have loved exploring further into our class text 'Claude in the City'. We have been focusing on using conjunctions in our writing and thinking about our use of capital letters within a sentence. The children wrote letters to Claude sharing their advice on what Claude should do next. In our Art lessons, this week, we were building on previous learning and were exploring creating shades, tones and tints of a colour - the children thoroughly enjoyed this creative session. Next we will be creating non-chronological reports about London ahead of our trip to St Paul's. |
24/01/25 | It’s been a busy week in Year 2 as the children have continued to enjoy their learning experiences. In Art, the children were learning to make secondary colours and were able to experiment with mixing primary colours. This was a fantastic lesson, which was enjoyed by everyone. Next week, we will be visited by Surrey Fire. They will be coming to talk to us about fire safety, linking beautifully to our topic The Great Fire Of London. |
17/01/25 | It has been a another busy week in Year 2. The children have loved delving further into their History learning this week around 'The Great Fire of London'. This week we have been learning about the word chronological and exploring timelines. The children were fascinated to learn about when different things were invented and whether this was before or after the Great Fire! In our Art lessons this half term, the children will be learning about Colours and learning about specifically warm and cool colours. Next week, we will be exploring the work of different artists and using this key vocabulary to express our thoughts of it. Have a lovely weekend everyone. |
10/01/25 | It has been a busy first week for the Year 2s this week as they have delved into their new exciting topics. In History, the children have loved starting their topic on the Great Fire of London! This links beautifully with our upcoming trip to St Paul's Cathedral, which is happening later on this half term. In our writing lessons, the children have loved learning all about Claude, who is a new character in our book 'Claude in the City'. We are excited to begin reading this and learn all about Claude's adventures. Next week, we begin a new Maths topic on Money, where the children will be learning to count in pence and pounds. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Year 2. |
20/12/24 | In Year 2 it’s been a busy final week of the term finishing all our topics. In computing, the children have learnt about digital photography. They have been able to think about how to take a good picture and apply this practically within the lesson. Next half term, it will be an exciting half term where we learn about ‘The Great Fire of London’ which links beautifully to our new text. Well done for working so hard this term, Year 2. I hope you enjoy the holidays with your loved ones. |
13/12/24 | What a fantastic week year 2 have had. Within their maths learning, they have been eager mathematicians as they have developed their knowledge of adding two digit numbers. The children have become super confident and using different manipulatives to help them solve these equations. They then went onto learning to use column addition - we were so impressed with all the children. Next week, we are going to be using superhero designs from our DT lessons to make our very own hand puppets! |
06/12/24 | What a fabulous week it's been! The Year 2 children blew us all away in the nativity this week, we were all so proud of them! This week in our writing, we have been writing a letter in role as Traction man to Granny. The children have been working on their use of synonyms and conjunctions to up level their writing. Next week, we will be learning about adding two-digit numbers together using a range of strategies. |
28/11/24 | What a fabulous week Year 2 has had. This week we have been recapping our subtraction and addition strategies, particularly looking at adding multiples of 10. We have been trying to answer some reasoning questions using sentence stems to help us. Next week, we are beyond excited to welcome our families to school to watch our much awaited Nativity. The children have worked so hard! Have a great weekend Year 2! |
22/11/24 | Wow, what a lovely week Year 2 has had! In our writing lessons we have been writing in role as Traction man to share his adventures. We have been challenging ourselves to use conjunctions such as 'and' 'because' and 'but'. In our DT lesson, we were thinking about different materials we could use for our superhero puppets and which would be the most suitable. Next week, we are excited for our Superhero day on Monday, where we will be taking part in a range of activites linking to our text. |
15/11/24 | What a fabulous week Year 2 has had this week! In our writing we have explored Traction mans wild adventures in the sink and rewritten this in our own words using adverbs to add more detail. On Wednesday, we thoroughly enjoyed the Diwali workshop - the children worked so hard learning the routine and developing their knowledge on Diwali. Next week, we will be starting to design our own Superhero puppets in DT and beginning to think about the materials we will use for these. |
08/11/24 | Wow, what a lovely week Year 2 has had this week. In our writing, the children have been excited about exploring their new text 'Traction Man'. Yesterday, Traction man suddenly went missing, so the children worked hard to write a description, so everyone knew what Traction man looked like! I was blown away by the children's determination to use a range of adjectives and puncuuation - well done Year 4! |
25/10/24 | Year 2 finished the first half-term strong! This week we wrapped up many of our topics by exploring the needs of survival for animals and humans, we fine-tuned our locational knowledge of the U.K., and we created our own Frida Kahlo-inspired masterpieces. The latter had us venturing out to the playground for a nature walk to collect materials that would enhance our drawings. We also drafted journal entries from the POV of our book's protagonist, and we developed our addition and subtraction using base 10 models. It was a busy week filled with learning. Have a great half-term break! |
18/10/24 | Year 2 has had a busy week of learning! In Maths, we are enhancing our base ten skills with our known facts as we add and subtract across 10. In writing, we wrote letters to Pattan from our class reading offering advice. We also used role play to imagine how he would respond. We discussed the importance of exercise to sustain a long life and learnt our next facial feature to add to our self-portraits. The students are working hard to finish this half-term strong! |
11/10/24 | Year 2 had another great week of learning! In Maths, we expanded our knowledge of place value as we used ten frames to aid our addition problems. We also composed our own setting descriptions using adjectives and correlating conjunctions to extend our sentences. We reviewed actions and consequences in PSHE, and shared memories of when we have made good choices and the result of our actions. Our weekly highlight was practising our balance in tennis as we practised hitting with a racquet. |
04/10/24 | We had a fabulous week in Year 2! We began our new PoR text in writing where we dived into the world of figurative language. We used similes to create our own sense poems on pumpkins. In maths, we wrapped up our unit on place value and learnt number bonds and fact families that will serve as the base for our second unit in addition and subtraction. In Art, we broke down our portrait features and perfected how to draw eyes using whiteboards. I'm so proud of the effort the children have put forth when meeting challenges in class and persevering through our new learning. |
27/09/24 | It has been a wonderful week of learning and an end to the first month of this school year! In writing, we focused on our fundamental skills, and we have been working to identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We developed our counting facts and practised our 2s, 5s, and 10s in Maths. Also, we continued to explore the U.K. and found the surrounding bodies of water. In PSHE, we explored our roles and responsibilities inside and outside the classroom, and discussed what it means to belong. |
20/09/24 | It has been a busy week full of learning in Year 2! We dove into number lines in maths and deepened our knowledge into base 10. We finished reading The Fox and the Star and wrote our own versions. We also met Jigsaw Jo in this week's PSHE class. Have a wonderful weekend! |
13/09/24 | Year 2 has had a lovely week settling into our new classroom and learning new routines. This we have been exploring our new power of reading the text ‘The Fox and Star’ and thinking about how we can be kind friends. This helped us create some lovely friendship recipes, which help us be even better friends in the playground. In our lessons, we have been developing our drawing skills and drawing self-portraits. We hope everyone has a lovely weekend - we are excited to see you all on Monday. |
06/09/24 | The first week of Year 2 was exciting! The children worked hard and played well with their peers. We worked on classroom routines and quickly settled into Year 2. We dove into place value in Maths and showed different ways to represent numbers 1-20. We learnt how to lengthen our writing by making predictions and using adjectives to illustrate our reading. It was a great first week of getting to know each other, and I am looking forward to a great year ahead! |
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