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Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
27/09/24 Year 4 has had an incredibly busy and productive week! We've been practising our writing skills, focusing on organising information into paragraphs using fronted adverbial phrases. In Maths, we've delved deep into comparing and ordering four-digit numbers. Music has been a blast as we’ve been learning our new song, "Mamma Mia" by ABBA. I’m sure week 5 will be even busier, filled with even more exciting learning!
20/09/24 This week, we have been enthusiastically diving into our Power of Reading text, Mouse Bird Snake Wolf. We’ve worked on retrieving key information from the story and expanding our vocabulary. In Science, the children found learning about living and non-living things fascinating, and in Geography, we’ve started exploring "Biomes". French was a highlight as we introduced the names of different body parts. During PSHE, we discussed what makes a great team and created personalised handprint decorations. I’m confident next week will be even more exciting with lots more to do and discuss.
13/06/24 This week has been both busy and productive for the Year 4's. In Maths, we’ve been practising counting in thousands and delving into the values of larger numbers. In English, we've begun our Power of Reading book, Mouse Bird Snake Wolf, which is brimming with imagination and wonder. We’ve also started learning how to organise our sentences into paragraphs, a skill that, although challenging, will greatly enhance our writing. In Art, we were introduced to Anni Albers, a pioneering textile artist of the 20th century known for her innovative weaving techniques. Week 3 promises even more exciting and engaging learning experiences each day!
06/09/24 What a wonderful start we have had to Year 4. The children have been very excitable and enthusiastic to be back at school. We have had fun getting to know each other and also worked hard on classroom routines. In Maths, we did revision of our tables and had fun learning a new song to remember the three timetables. In English, we really enjoyed writing a Time Capsule letter to our future selves about our goals for the year and what we would like to learn by the end of the year. It was an awesome first week, and we are all really excited about the rest of the year and having fun while learning.
Darley Dene Primary School