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Teaching & Learning Weekly Summary

Below you will find our weekly teaching and learning summary to find out how we develop and enrich your child's teaching and learning whilst they are with us.

Week ending What we have been learning about
14/2/25 Year 3 have had a great week. The highlight was definitely performing our dance we've been working on in PE for the Year 5 and 6 children. Year 3 did an amazing job and performed like professionals! The children enjoyed participating in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday where they discussed ways to stay safe online and created their own stories with an internet safety focus. We have also been completing activities each day for Children's Mental Health Week and Year 3 have done fantastically.
7/2/25 Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed Maths week! We have been creating our own manipulatives, playing interactive Maths games lead by Year 6 students, playing Maths Bingo, and more. We wrapped up our fact files on Trinidad and Tobago and the children did amazing work varying their sentence types and focusing on features of non-fiction writing. In Science, we followed the scientific method to create our own experiment, and even surveyed some children in the school to help answer our question. Well done Year 3 - see you next week!
31/01/25 Year 3 have had an exciting week! We learnt all about printing in our art lesson and tried out creating our own designs to draw, carve into polystyrene, paint, and then press onto paper. The children have been putting an impressive amount of effort into their Caribbean-themed dance and look forward to performing it for their peers at the end of the half-term. After learning more about the Caribbean Islands, we worked together to create fact files about Tobago focusing on differences between fiction and non-fiction writing. Fantastic efforts this week Year 3 - have a great weekend!
24/01/25 This week in Year 3 we have been learning all about Tobago, where the main character in our story is from. In Geography, the children practised their research skills and found geographical similarities and differences between the Caribbean Islands and the UK. We learnt all about nutrients this week in Science and each group made a poster to teach the rest of the class about the importance and effects of their nutrients. Well done this week, Year 3!
17/01/25 In Year 3 this week, we have been hard at work exploring our text 'Gregory Cool'. The children practised hot-seating where they took turns answering questions from Gregory's perspective, which greatly helped them write letters as Gregory. The children have been doing fantastically with the multiplication and division unit so far, and have really enjoyed continuing to learn their dance in PE. Well done, Year 3!
10/01/25 Year 3 have had a lovely first week back at school. We have started our new class text 'Gregory Cool' by Caroline Binch and have started learning about the Caribbean Island called Tobago where the story takes place. The children have continued learning about multiplication and division with a focus on reasoning questions and have worked so hard to master the methods. Year 3 were so excited to start our new PE units on dance and basketball this week, and have shown great enthusiasm in learning skills in both sports!
20/12/24 Year 3 have had an exciting final week of the term. We completed our DT term project of creating gingerbread ornaments using our sewing skills and put in a lot of work to prepare for the Christmas performance. On Wednesday, the children enjoyed their festive Christmas lunch and we had a great time celebrating at our class party. Congratulations to all of the children in Year 3 for completing their first full term in Key Stage 2! I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!
13/12/24 Year 3 has had a busy week both in and outside the classroom. We are wrapping up our unit on multiplication and division, and it is fantastic to see all the children master these concepts. We completed a research project in our science lesson this week about types of rocks, and I was so impressed by the teamwork the children were able to show when working in pairs. On Wednesday, all of KS2 visited the church to rehearse for their performance next week, and on Friday Year 3 went on a local history walk to visit significant landmarks we have been focusing on in our local history study!
06/12/24 Year 3 have been working super hard this week. The children have started the multiplication and division unit in maths and have done so well with learning a variety of strategies. We have been experimenting with different properties of rocks in science performing tests to check their durability and permeability as well. Excitingly, we have been working on our football skills such as using the inside of our feet to pass the ball and moving to an open space to receive a pass. Year 3 have done amazingly!
23/11/24 Year 3 have worked so hard this week wrapping up our unit on addition and subtraction. They have really mastered the method of exchanging. We have been learning more about the properties of rocks in science and did a few experiments to test their durability and permeability. Year 3 has also shown great determination and resilience as we continued to work on our sewing projects!
22/11/24 Year 3 have been hard at work this week. We have practised some new strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with exchanges and the children have been so determined to master them. In history, we looked at some key dates and events in Addlestone's history and created our own timelines. Year 3 have also started learning their song for the Christmas performance and will be ready to wow you!
15/11/24 Year 3 has done some fantastic work this week. We began our new DT unit and spent some time recapping sewing skills. Our writing focus was similes and the children have written some incredible descriptive pieces. I’m so impressed with the creativity and application of skills they used to create these!
08/11/24 In the first week of the term, Year 3 have been introduced to their new text 'The Pebble in my Pocket'. On Monday, the children each found a pebble on their chair when returning from break time and used a magnifying glass to help them sketch their pebble including as much detail as possible. We practised using exciting adjectives to then describe the pebbles and the volcano we found in the first few pages of the text. We have also started our next PE unit, focusing on football. This week's skill was using the inside of your foot to pass and stop the ball. An exciting first week back!
25/10/24 In our final week of this half-term, we have wrapped up our Stone Age exploration as well as our text Ug: Genius boy of the Stone Age. Year 3 have done some fantastic writing pieces around this topic, and I'm seeing great improvements in the use of exciting vocabulary and correct punctuation. We have spent some time reflecting on what we have learnt in topics including art, science, and history, and even made some predictions about what we might learn next half-term. For our last PE lesson, the children worked in teams to invent their own games using the equipment and had lots of fun trying each other's games. I hope everyone enjoys next week, and I am already looking forward to having them back!
18/10/24 Year 3 has had an exciting week with the highlight being creating clay sculptures in the style of Giacometti. Children tried a variety of techniques to make their sculptures and they turned out beautifully! We are also exploring writing styles and are creating our own comic strips set in the Stone Age. The children have done an amazing job with using speech marks, and have used them to plan the dialogue in their comic strips. In science this week, we did a break the code challenge where children were tasked with solving puzzles using what they have learnt this term in order to crack the code. I'm so impressed by how much Year 3 can rise to a challenge!
11/10/24 This week, Year 3 have been writing persuasive letters using a variety of punctuation to show feeling in their writing. In Maths, we have wrapped up our unit on place value and the children have mastered our final task of ordering numbers to 1000. In PE, Year 3 have begun to play tag rugby and are putting all of their athletic skills to great use - we had a few close games! The children have really had the time to explore what life was like in the Stone Age and made an All About Me page for someone living in that time.
04/10/24 We had a great week in Year 3. The children had a successful try at playing tag rugby in our PE lesson, and we have been continuing with our Stone Age theme by writing Stone Age menus and even writing postcards from the Stone Age! Year 3 did a fantastic job using co-ordinating conjunctions as well as exploring writing in an informal tone. In science, we had a closer look at nutrition by analysing food labels and decided which foods we should have often or only rarely. I'm incredibly proud of all the children in Year 3.
27/09/24 Year 3 had a fantastic week creating Stone Age recipes. I've been so impressed with the clear directions children have been able to give using adverbs. In maths, we have been partitioning numbers to 1000 using a variety of methods and manipulatives. Year 3 children also had a go at sorting food into food groups using the eat well guide. Looking forward to what next week brings!
20/09/24 Year 3 have done fantastic work this week. We continued with our story set in the Stone Age and completed a character description using exciting adjectives and expanded noun phrases. Year 3 students have been working hard on learning about place value in Maths and are learning to represent numbers up to 1000. We created our own comic strips in French using vocabulary we've learnt too. Looking forward to what next week will bring!
13/09/24 Year 3 children have been working very hard this week. We have begun to join our letters when practising handwriting and the children have been so proud of their writing presentation. We've had time to discuss our class text, which is set in the Stone Age, and we've been thinking about what life would have been like for children in that time. In Maths, Year 3 has done a fantastic job with partitioning numbers to 100, and I am so proud of how well they're working together to solve problems. Well done everyone for a great first full week!
06/09/24 Year 3 has really wowed everyone this week. The children have an impressive enthusiasm for learning and consistently help their classmates both in the classroom and at playtime. So far, we have practised transitions in and out of the classroom, read stories together and have begun to review some mental maths strategies. I am so looking forward to the progress and the memories we will make in Year 3!
Darley Dene Primary School